The Ministry of Intercession - Day 24 - For the Spirit on your own congregation

What to pray for 
In most services there are prayer for the church. Prayer for it to be faithful, for the church to be doing the things the church are called to do, prayer for the budget to be met etc. Sometimes we might even pray for it to be a nice place we like to be that I may be welcomed.
The church should be a welcoming place to everybody. Jesus was. But the church, the congregation is so much more. If welcoming is our only goal we might meet it, but it might also be all we achieve.
The congregation is also meant to be the place of healing, challenge, growth, refuge, grace, truth, and love. The congregation is the body and the body is meant to grow. It is meant to be many limbs each supporting other limbs and are there for one another being led by the head, Jesus.
But for the congregation to be led in the right direction it needs the Spirit. It is therefore very important that we pray for the Holy Spirit to be on our own congregation. Pray for the pastors and leaders to be filled by the Spirit. Pray for each believer and their conversations, their walk, their life. Pray for the Holy Spirit to manifest itself with the Fruits of the Spirit and for the Grace gifts (spiritual gifts).

How to pray
Pray specifically. Pray targeted. Pray on purpose. Gang up with others and decide on what to pray for and see it happen expecting an answer.

Make prayer the agenda when you meet, not one out of many points on the meeting's agenda.

 I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. Is 62:6


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