Sermon on a Cell phone 1
Translation of the bible began in 33AD and continues till this day. Out of the approximate 7000 spoken languages in the world today only 1329 languages have a New Testament translation and only 531 languages have a translation of the whole bible.
The good news is that 2195 translations to new languages are currently going on. The Bible Society, Wycliffe Bible Translators and many other organizations are doing the heavy lifting of the job it is to translate into a foreign language. Sometimes the language has not been or only partly been described or catalogued. Yet some of these nations and languages are being reached by cell phones as the electronic infrastructure is making its way to even remote areas in the world. Please pray for these ministries and for the Spirit to guide the translators as they strive to do their part of The Great Commission in Mat 28:18-20. Please also consider supporting the translators as you are able.
So far for the 'old' languages.
On a slightly lighter note: What about the new languages that continually develops as the human race continues to develop in their intelligence? I'm talking about the sophisticated language of emoij. Some might not have heard about it as such, but many have used it unknowingly as it creeps in on them in their daily communication. Before they know they will be able to communicate with others, particular of the younger generation, whom seem to have an affinity for the emoij language.
The Danish Bible Society have given a few examples of what well-known passages from the bible would read like in this new 'language'.
The index was unfortunately lost in translation, but hoping that some of the astute readers can help finding the right location in the bible I will post them over the next few days.