Pastor of Formation Report 2015 Poul Erik Norgaard, Pastor of Formation
Pastor of Formation Report 2015 (June 14-June 15)
Pastoral greeting
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:14
Having been pastor of formation at Trinity Lutheran Church for almost 3 years we thought it was a good time to do an annual pastors report.
I have regularly brought a report to the church council so they know what I have been doing, but this will give the rest of the congregation an opportunity to hear also.
I received a warm welcome at my ordination and have met acceptance ever since. Both me and my family. I feel called to Trinity Lutheran Church and God has showed it in many ways. Through the calling by Trinity and by Him affirming it many ways in growing fruits in me and from my work. I give Him glory for that. I started out at 40% while I was still working another job and when that job ended the position was increased to 60% by adding more pastoral care and supervision responsibility. I have also had the responsibility for getting our new website up and running and some other technical areas. The more time has also given me the opportunity to write various materials. It has become two bible study for men; one on Joseph and one on Nehemiah; one for young men called Man in the Works, and one co-ed on evangelization. Besides that I have planned an annual men’s retreats and church campings. Through Men’s Fraternity, the material the men have followed the last 3 years, we have gotten in contact with other churches looking to start up men’s ministry. It has been such a blessing to witness first hand what can happen when the soil is receptive to seeds being laid down. Besides preaching at Trinity occasionally I’ve also been able to preach in other churches on Sundays when their pastor is out. It is a joy for me to grow the connections we have with other churches and to preach the word. Trinity, there are churches in the area you are investing in and it will bear 40, 60, and 100 fold and the Father will be pleased!
Some people might wonder whether I’m looking for or waiting for another position at another church. I’m not. I’m looking to my heavenly Father. He has called me to Trinity and I believe He still is. And I’m here with gladness! The rest of the staff is great and so is Trinity! My family and I enjoy it here and we feel at home. God has blessed us here and sustains us and we give Him thanks. But I do ask Him if He wants to use me full time here. I also ask Trinity that. I would love to be at Trinity in a 100% position and there seem to be enough to do.
Pastoral Acts (July 2014 – June 2015)
Holy Baptisms
(ref. to Pr. Nathan Hoff annual report)
Funerals (Non- Trinity)
5/22/2015 John Lewis Mueller
Pastoral hopes
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. - Hebrews 11:1
My pastoral hopes are not just for the things I can’t stand and I hope they will get better or – it would be nice if….
The hopes I have are reasonable hopes. Not modest hopes. But reasonable hopes. I have a reason to hope it. Like 1 Pet 3:15.
My pastoral hopes are that Trinity will be changed. And that Trinity will change San Pedro.
The reason for that is that I see God moving hearts and people. I see God stirring things in accordance with his promises on a big scale and on a small scale. On the big scale that all nations will hear the gospel and one day all nations will gather around Jerusalem. On the small scale that he deeply cares about each human. He wants fellowship with every single person. In San Pedro. He wants them to know his Son Jesus. He wants them to be forgiven. Healed. Restored. Jesus paid for it on the cross. God also wants them to receive the gifts the Holy Spirit has for each person. In San Pedro.
Over the last couple of years I have seen God move in people at Trinity. I have been moved. I’ve been given a desire for more people to get to know Him. I see people at Trinity desire to be closer to God in prayer. I’m seeing prayer being moved from being on the agenda to be the agenda.
My hope – and my faith is that it will happen. That Trinity will be a place where God’s spirit is poured out once again in such a way Trinity is transformed and it blesses San Pedro and beyond.
My hope is that all who hear this will welcome God’s Spirit and move with the Spirit.
I have high hopes for Trinity.
Poul Erik Norgaard
Pastor of Formation June 2015