Stewardship Letter 2015

This letter will be sent tomorrow to all members and attenders at Trinity. I wanted to also get this information to our online friends and family.

Dear Partners at Trinity,

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  2 Corinthians 13.14

As we near the end of this fiscal year, I thought it would be prudent to report on this past year, and pause to reflect on this upcoming year. First, did you know that on August 11th we will be 94 years old? A good verse for these 94 years would be Psalm 94.14 which promises, “For the Lord will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage.” We are witnesses, and must give primacy to recognizing God’s long faithfulness to His people, His heritage. Beyond our 94 years, we take our place in the One Holy Church’s two millennia, and before that even more millennia of God’s faithfulness to His people, Israel. We praise the God of our fathers and mothers in the faith, “Great is Thy faithfulness”!

Second, I would like to give recognition to the congregation's generosity. You have proved your generosity consistently. A need is expressed, and you respond. A number of you have entered into the blessing of tithing (proportionally returning a tenth of your income to the Lord’s work). Wherever you are on the giving spectrum, the fitting response is, “Thank you!”

Third, I’d like to extend some simple reporting on last year's financials. The information in the benediction week after week is accurate, but doesn't give Trinity's full financial story. The comprehensive cost for doing ministry in this last fiscal year (July 2014-June 2015) was around $570,000. With one week remaining in this fiscal year, our total income (Tithes, Gifts, Offerings, Special Gifts, Alpha House rental income) equals $548,000 leaving a deficit of $22,000. This is cautiously optimistic news. I’d like to explain why I think this is not quite as optimistic as it looks. Namely, we budgeted some things, that for which we ended up not spending. For instance, we had budgeted to hire a needed part-time bookkeeper. We did not fill this position, but leaned heavily on Gifford Grobien and his able team. That means that our expenses were higher in other areas. It also mean that Gifford has good reason to be a little tired, and much appreciated!

Fourth, I’d like to share some of the uncertainties of the upcoming year. We have planned and approved a substantial increase in next year’s budgeted total cost of ministry. The increase from the actual cost of this past year to next year’s budgeted cost of ministry is $32,000/annual or $2,666/month. This brings our total weekly need to $11,600 in tithes and offerings. That is a sizable jump. Will we meet this challenge? What will your part be? 

Another uncertainty raised at the annual meeting is the real possibility of the loss of Alpha House income because of the eventuality of transitioning the Nørgaards to safer shelter and using that property with legal integrity (zoning issues). This issue is close to our hearts. The Nørgaards are a valued part of the fabric of the Trinity community. Related to this is the matter of Pr Poul-Erik’s work situation. His role here at Trinity has increased some over the years he has served here, but is not a full-time position. Poul-Erik senses a call and growing desire to full-time ministry at Trinity, but recognizes that we don’t have a full-time position to offer at this time. Join us in seeking the Lord in these matters, and if you know of a creative solution to this housing need, let me know.

Filling the PT bookkeeper and PT worship leader positions seems like an uncertainty for the immediate future, which puts a strain on those who currently volunteer or cover those areas. 

Finally, if the expenses outpace the giving for this next year, the possibility for some kind of austerity measures will be necessary, and will not be without pain. It is hard to imagine what is unnecessary or unessential in our current budget. 

Fifth, I’d like to share some of the certainties of the upcoming year: A trustworthy God. A congregation that responds generously when asked and informed. A ministry that is centered on the generous Father, and the grace of Jesus, and the present day working of the Holy Spirit. A commitment to find more comprehensive communication with the congregation in financial matters so you know where we are, where we face challenges together, and where we can celebrate together. We are a family, and the family needs to be appraised regularly. 

Sixth, I’d like to issue an invitation for you to ask the Lord for your part in covering the gap between what ministry actually costs and the total income. Have you ever been to a concert and the song doesn’t end in a clear resolved manner, and you are left wondering if you should applaud or not? How wonderful it would be to end this year clearly resolved, and join our applause with Heaven’s applause to give God all the glory! There are other ways, besides financial, to participate. We currently staff the nursery and supplemental custodians. Have you considered the joy of blessing others by giving your time and talent to the Lord? 

Entering into this next year, I think Psalm 94 is perfect: “For the Lord will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage.”

Trinity, it is a joy to serve you as your pastor!  In Jesus,
Nathan Hoff

PS: if you would like an extended Pastor’s Report on this past ministry year, please check out

For our online friends, if you would like to give to the ministry of Trinity, you always give through the mail to:
Trinity Lutheran Church
1450 W 7th Street
San Pedro, CA 90732

or online at:


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