
Showing posts from January, 2015

10 Pastoral Care Teachers in Honor of Herb Hoff's Birthday: Katrina Filip from Hersmålen

10 Pastoral Care Teachers in Honor of Herb Hoff's Birthday: Fr Joe and Br Martin

10 Pastoral Care Teachers in Honor of Herb Hoff's Birthday: Ignatius Loyola

10 Pastoral Care Teachers in Honor of Herb Hoff's Birthday: Dietrich Bonhöffer

10 Pastoral Care Teachers in Honor of Herb Hoff's Birthday: Sensitive Suzie

In Honor of Herb Hoff on His Birthday

10 Pastoral Care Teachers in Honor of Herb Hoff's Birthday: Marvin

10 Pastoral Care Teachers in Honor of Herb Hoff's Birthday: Bill Bartlett

10 Pastoral Care Teachers in honor of Herb Hoff's Birthday: Jim Kok

10 Pastoral Care Teachers in honor of Herb Hoff's Birthday: Papa Joe

10 Pastoral Care Teachers in honor of Herb Hoff's Birthday: Father Brown