Lunchbox Ephesians Session 12

Lunchbox Ephesians Session 12

   -6.1-4 Singing Over: Children and Parents
"The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save: he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you with his love; he will exult over you with loud singing." Zephaniah 3.17
   -6.5-9 The Leading Song: Bondservants and Masters

Ephesians 6.10-20 "Stand"

   -6.10-13 Be strong in the Lord 
Singular source of defense: panoplia
Plurality of powers: schemes, rulers, authorities, cosmic powers, spiritual forces
"The powers exploit culture and social systems in their attempst to wreck the creative and saving work of God." P. O'Brien, 468
Individual forms of attack AND institutional forms of attack.

"The larger the institution and the more public care is taken to maintain its reputaiton for good (running the country, making money, adminstering justice, organizing religion, caring for the sick, etc), the more hidden the evil and the more difficult to detect and do something about it." "Institutions...provide a cover fo the "spiritual forces of evil." Peterson, 258-259.
Jacques Ellul

  • The basic good of money can become cover for idolized-into-god-mammon.
  • The basic good of language can become cover for debased lies of propaganda.
  • The basic good of technology can become cover for a depersonalized world of non-relationship.

"We need deliverance from evil that doesn't look like evil" Peterson, 256
"Evel rarely looks like evil until it reaches its goal." Snodgrass, 339

   -6.14-17 Stand firm and put on God's armor

   -6.18-20 Watch and pray

Ephesians 6.21-24 "Benediction"


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