Important Trinity News

Trinity Family,
Jesus' grace! We have an important congregational meeting coming up on Tuesday, March 20th at 6:30. The agenda includes:
  • Reporting on the Welcome HOME vision work
  • Report on the Elder's prayer/discussion around how our facility can better facilitate the mission to which God is calling us. We will also discuss how prayer/discussion/discernment can be broadened to include the most number Trinity members. We are considering identifying a Campus Upgrade Program Manager who can help keep this matter moving in partnership with the pastor/elders communication of our vision without distracting them from their important call to pastor and elder the people of Trinity.
  • Report on the work of the Peterson Bequest committee in receiving the resources from the Peterson bequest, and proposing bylaws that will guide us in the process for using those funds in a way that the congregation deems faithful, generous, and wise. We will be seeking approval for those proposed bylaws.
  • Finally, we will be asking for congregational approval for some revisions to the Trinity constitution (last revision in 1982). The proposed revisions fall in three categories: 1. Corrections to grammar or consistent use of punctuation. 2. Clarifications around the council's authority to enter into debt or buy/sell property (we propose making these decisions ONLY with congregational vote, no matter the amount). Another clarification is relocating the section about nominating committee. 3. Improvements that include shortening the number of terms a council member may serve (from 3 to 2), but lengthening the term (from 1 to 3 years). The current constitution and proposed constitutional revisions will be available in the church office soon. We will also send out a summary of the proposed revisions soon.
In an attempt to communicate with most of our constituency, and to prepare us for that meeting, we are putting together some short videos that introduce these matters with some historical context. The first one is on the Welcome HOME vision:

The second one is on Facilitating Mission:

The third one is on the Peterson Bequest:

The fourth one is on Constitutional Revision:


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