Student & Teacher

Last week I was a student at Western Theological Seminary.

This week I was a teacher at Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute.

I learned a bunch at both places. Here are a few things I learned.

1. I learned that it is next-level-fun to be in a cohort with 20 other students who are equally jazzed by a different view of what it means to be a pastor. Holy Presence is the name of the D.Min. program that explores Eugene Peterson and a biblically formed imagination of the pastoral vocation. Our morning seminars were like drinking from a fire-hose. Passionate teaching by Winn Collier, Mandy Smith, and Trygve Johnson would spill out to not-required, but not-to-be-missed discussions at the Brewery, or deeply doxological chapel worship at Western and would wrap up with personal application and encouragement at our home away from home. 

2. I learned that in many areas, I am like a preschooler with everything to learn. Tyshawn Gardner (PhD, VP at Stillman College) taught us Sacred Anthropology and Social Crisis Preaching. Wow. "Social Crisis Preaching is preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in a world that is not ok." I am eager to get the two books he is publishing this year, and grow up in this area.

3. I learned that I can simultaneously appreciate my own confession of faith and the family that confesses it (Lutherans), but have a desperate need to learn from other expressions/confessions/communions (Reformed, Baptist, Non-Denominational, Presbyterian, Congregational, Restoration, Epis/Anglican, Pentecostal...).

4. Eugene Peterson (And Dr Gardner, and Winn, and Marva Dawn, and Jacques Ellul) is teaching me about what St Paul calls, "The Powers." I need this teaching, but so does the rest of the church. The timing was kairos, because I was teaching this last week on Pneumatology, and was able to speak with more depth on the issues of the Spirit World and Warfare (the powers, idolatry, demons) on Friday. 

5. I learned why Annika is so happy this year at CLBI. The staff and students are the real thing. They have become a community of disciples, in spite (or because ?) of many challenges. Annika is a champ and must have some kind of fortitude to have her dad teach 15 hours in front of all of her friends. Amazing grace :)

6. I learned that I must be one of the most realistic people in the church. I am well aware of the statistics, the dire prognostication and the depth of division and vapidity of discipleship in the current church culture. I am also deeply hopeful. The Church belongs to Jesus, and he is calling young adults into discipleship and service in ways that are scripturally subversive. While we complain about a bunch of stuff, some of them are asking, "How can we get into (fill in closed nation) to plant the seed of the gospel?" There are young adult movements with names and quality leaders here in San Pedro at Trinity, near Edmonton at CLBI, on Lake Carlos with the Awaken Project, and in downtown Minneapolis at World Mission Prayer League. Those are the ones I am fond of and close to. I know there are more!

7. I learned that Dine Chartier in Beaumont is some of the best cuisine I have ever tasted. Check them out on IG. I also learned that Molly and Christian Hoff are not only my kids, and I'm proud of them. I authentically like being with them. They are good people. I would like to be neighbors to them. I'd love to work with them. I am certainly glad they are citizens of the same kingdom, even if they live in a faraway place now. 

Tyshawn Garder. Profound teaching on Preaching with Cultural Intelligence.

Nathan, David Wollan, Jeremy King, Jon Anderson. the Four Evangelists. 

Dine Chartier in Beaumont, AB

Annika doing her daily chores at CLBI.

Joy, victoriously walking on ice, ice baby.

Out on a long walk, and happening upon some Laken Biletski Art!

Me teaching Pneumatology at CLBI.

Hot coffee and freezing walk with Jeremiah and Emma Dorland (Joy's fun cuz).

Trintern alumni at Tims :) Even Tim Biebs.

Commissioning Service, including Annika.

Long walk with the other Hoffs.

Nathan (BA, 1997) & Joy (AA, 1996) (LBI Seattle) Annika and Christian (CLBI)

Our teeth hurt. Our eyes hurt. Our skin (even under clothes) hurt. Our eyebrows hurt. Our lungs hurt. 


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