So with all the host of heaven...

One of my great joys in returning this last Sunday was presiding at the Lord's Supper again at Trinity. As I stood at the Altar looking out at the congregation, I was taken back by an acute pain in missing some people who were recently transferred to the heavenly congregation. The congregation had maybe processed their loss, but I had not.
A foretaste of the great reunion came not long after.
I said, "Lift up your hearts."
They replied, "We lift them to the Lord."
I said, "Let us give thanks to the Lord our God"
They "Its our joy to give him thanks and praise."
I prayed to the best of my ability, "It is not just us gathered here who give you thanks and praise, but all of your people here on earth, and in heaven, those I keenly miss today, along with every saint, and with all the angels and archangels, with one voice we praise you forever..."
In the words of the contemporary worship song, this is "the sound of heaven touching earth." Heaven and earth in communion with the thrice holy God.


Jenny said…
Your heart is soft, loving, and relational to all in our TLC family. I am sure it's not only me that is touched and moved by this.

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