Pastor's Report for 2020-2021

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. 

Hebrews 10.35, Moravian Daily Text from Monday, June 14, 2021.

Means of Grace

Holy Word: 

Starting in Advent 2018, we launched the long series in the Gospel of Luke, made up of many shorter series. We have reached Luke 18. We have used the lectionary during holiday seasons of the church year, such as Advent.

The Lenten season is an annual season of focused discipleship. We met on Zoom this year, but, as has been our tradition for the last few years, we shared in common prayer and a common book. This year, The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness by Tim Keller helped focus our attention on the liberating truth from 1 Corinthians 3.21-4.7.  

Holy Communion:  Offered as often as we meet in person. We also were able to begin regular visitation of shut-ins after Nathan received his vaccinations. First Communion instruction and reception by Bella Ryan and Chloe Ascencio on Maundy Thursday (on Broadway).

Holy Baptism:  Joshua, Matthew, and Gregory Cuella on 11-1-20 Jeff Ganz on 4-3-21


Holy Absolution: offered privately.

Other Ministerial Acts

Confirmation:  Nov 1 Henry Blechner, and Samuel Lopez. 

April 3 Jeff & Cathy Ganz; Lauren Alexander; Garrett Reim; Sarah Kolden; Larson Ghormley

Marriage: Aug 8 Matthew and Sarah Kolden

Burial: 8/29 Priscilla Wallmark; 12/11 Barbara Schmidt; 1/10 Stella Miles; 2/16 Helen Castagnola; 2/27 Dean “Ronald” Quick

Ministry beyond Trinity’s walls: Presented at Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute (via distance at Surge—their youth outreach). Served on Board of Courage House and The Awaken Project. Taught at Mount Carmel Camp on Holy Habits—spiritual disciplines. I concluded my faith column after 4 years in February for San Pedro Today.

Leadership Team Reflections

Elders & Council. Grateful! The Lord has provided wise and mature disciples to serve in leadership here at Trinity. The Elders main work is prayer. Out of that communion with God flows a deep care for God’s people—you! The Council represents you between congregational meetings. They love you, consider you, speak on your behalf, and try to keep a pulse on where God is leading us as a body. Give thanks with me for these dedicated servants. 

Staff. Resilient and resourcing. There are nine aspects (plural) listed describing the fruit (singular) of the Spirit in Galatians 5.22-23. Signs of the Spirit’s work are evident all over in our staff. Jesus told his ministry team to go to the highways and byways. Today I think he would have said to go to doorways, and social media sites, and Facebook messenger for kids, and … Our staff has engaged and connected with those they serve in creative ways with sacrificial time and energy. We have the most supportive administrative staff that includes Jorge, Ro, and James. You could stop and pray with any of them. They are good at what they do, and they do it for the glory of God. Bekah Steffens has been a faithful catechist over the last two years. What a challenging few years to teach catechism. She has found ways to teach the faith. Kierra could do it all, but she is wiser than that. She invites, equips, and inspires partners. People want to be on Kierra’s team. They know it will be worth their time. Joy. In last year’s report I wrote, “Her job description fits her perfectly. This last season has not much looked like her job description, but she has been working full time (+) to make Trinity life continue under these extraordinary circumstances. She is extraordinary.” That hasn’t changed. Some of that full time + is represented in next year’s proposed budget. Paul told the leaders in Ephesus to “equip the saints for works of ministry.” This describes Joy’s calling, heart, and gifts.

Endowment Committee. $75K total over the last three years! PLUS Church planting resources in 4 nations — all working beyond Trinity’s walls: Locally, globally, our people, our partners, our ministry students. It is, and will continue to be, inspiring.

Report on Goals for Fiscal year 2019-2020

  1. Deepen relationship with Seventh Street School and their paid and parent leadership. This was more challenging this year, but our “Its Elementary” Team led by Julia Anderson found creative ways to reach out to our neighborhood school.
  2. Check in with last-year’s Church Plants: Thailand, Tanzania, and T________ and Albania. Share in a deepening partnership in prayer, almost like sister-churches. I have regular contact with new Assistant to the Bishop, Deo Msanya, and also Pastor Rich Freeman. These relationships are deepening. 
  3. Prepare to CELEBRATE CENTENNIAL OF TRINITY (Aug 2021) in September 2021: Internal and external discussion all pointed to postponing this celebration for a year.
  4. Phase 1 construction complete by Sept 2021. Phase 1 is the Alpha House, Youth Space, Intern housing and includes the pool, sports court). Phase 1’s plans are being reviewed by LA County. In the meantime, our sanctuary renovation is well underway.
  5. Launch Trinity Greenhouse: A Seedbed for nurturing Gospel multiplication, Leadership development and Parish re/planting. See attachment. Trinity Greenhouse would be funded primarily by investors outside of Trinity’s normal givers. YES! Trinity Greenhouse nurtured gospel multiplication and leadership development through hosting 8 (finished with 6) Interns, 15 involved in Pastoral Leadership Seminar, 2 seminarians. We have requests from 3 groups for assistance with regular preaching and service leading (Hope at the Beach, Harbor Terrace, and Cross & Crown Montebello). We raised over $36,000—independent of Trinity’s operating budget. Disbursements included expenses related to retreats, hospitality for young adult community, monthly Spiritual Companionship sessions with Joe & Judy Johnson and Bob Mabry. We currently have $28,000 in the fund. I have started putting together an advisory team to help make wise fiscal and focus discussions. We will meet soon to discern healthy and sustainable focuses and possible staff support for this growing ministry. 

Goals for Fiscal Year 2021-2022

  1. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. Deepen relationship with Seventh Street and Willenberg Schools and their paid and parent leadership, as well as develop blessing outreach to neighboring businesses and medical facilities.
  2. Check in with last-year’s Church Plants: Thailand, Tanzania, and T________ and Albania. Share in a deepening partnership in prayer. Develop a cycle of prayer for those churches and their pastors.
  3. Prepare to CELEBRATE CENTENNIAL+ OF TRINITY (Aug 2021) in September 2022.
  4. Sanctuary renovation completed (Christmas 2021); Administrative/Library/Lounge and Alpha Ministry Spaces well on their way.
  5. Strengthen Trinity Greenhouse: A Seedbed for nurturing Gospel multiplication, Leadership development and Parish re/planting. Strengthening includes expanding donor base, quarterly TG Advisory meetings, PT Support Staff to free Nathan, Joy, and Kierra for more focused multiplicative ministry. Explore the idea of Calling an Assistant Pastor which could free Nathan to respond to the many inquiries about developing a community-based Young Adult ministry.


God provided. God protected. We were tested. We are making it. 

Current Challenges

  1. To identify with “left” or “right” vortex instead of the Jesus vortex. There are traditionally left or right values that reflect Jesus’ message and ministry. Jesus is all about justice and righteousness. Jesus is all about grace and truth. Conservatives love that he won’t cancel one jot or tittle of the law. Liberals love that he speaks truth to power and works for the liberation of the lost, least, and last. “Parts” of Jesus are attractive to both poles. And there are “parts” of Jesus that make both poles nervous. I’m not interested in a Christianity that has to pick parts of Jesus. I want the whole Jesus. The more we get drawn into the Jesus vortex, the more judgment we will receive from increasingly polarized political identities. Southern Baptist Convention outgoing president JD Greer said today, “Whenever the church gets in bed with politics, the church gets pregnant. And our offspring does not look like our father in heaven.” We are not the Bride of a party. We are the Bride of Jesus Christ. 
  2. To think our mission is to fix up our campus. A fixed up campus where we have usable, adaptable, safe and hospitable space will help facilitate our mission. But, it is not our mission. Our mission remains, “To communicate God’s “Welcome Home” to all people, especially those who have a hard time believing such good news.”
  3. To take ourselves off of the generosity cycle. To forget that there is fruit in the seed in the fruit in the seed. Seed does no good sitting on a shelf in our garage. Its got to be planted, and sooner is better than later. 
  4. “Banding together” Re-engaging those in the flock who have grown comfortable with distancing. There is a proximity element to courage, growth, strategic communication. Paul says, “When you come together” (1 Corinthians 11.17,18,20). Paul doesn’t say, “If you come together.” 

Family Reflections

This is our 16th Annual Congregational Meeting at Trinity. How is it simultaneously possible to feel like it was yesterday that we showed up, but also feel like it was 50 years ago? My kindergartener Christian is engaged to wonderful Molly! Annika is off to college in Seattle in 3 months. Sammy is going to be a Senior and Peter a Sophomore in High School. I’m also in the first year of a three year program at Western Theological Seminary. That is a lot of Hoffs in school! It used to be more natural to live on mission. We circulated with sports teams and dance classes. We met lots of fellow parents in our kid’s school classes. Joy and I have been asking, “How do we live on mission in this new season?” New seasons require new missiological insights. Yet, even if everything else changes, we can be assured. The saving mission of God to our broken lives and world does not change. It is not time to “abandon that confidence.” Hebrews 10.35.

Jesus’ peace,



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