Monument or Movement?

In our second Trinity Session last night we explored the difference between a monument and a movement. Monuments have to be dusted. Movements shake off and stir up the dust! 

In 2016, the summer of my sabbatical, my family was on the move around Europe. We were in the “Lutherlands” 499 years after Luther’s nailing the 95 Theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Monuments everywhere, as the former East Germany readied for plenty of protestant pilgrims in 2017!

Lots of Lutheranism is more monument than movement. But, nearly every movement eventually turns into a monument. I’ve been to the little plaque down near Little Tokyo in LA near where the Azusa Street Pentecostal revival began in 1905. That first Pentecostal church closed their congregation and lost their building in 1931. Or maybe you’ve seen the iconic “Jesus Saves” illuminated sign of the Church of the Open Door in Downtown LA, but the church moved long ago. It isn’t just corporate movements that get co-opted into being nothing more than monuments. It can happen to you and me, personally. Our living-breathing testimony can become a monument to a past movement. Our salvation can become an old story or a plaque or certificate that is as valid and real as the nose on your face—but gathering dust because it stopped moving.

A sure way to re-animate, is to MOVE! The life of the disciple is a moving life. Jesus’ words ring true to disciples now, “As you go, make disciples of all nations...” Matthew 28.19. Don’t bother dusting your old monumental faith. Get it moving, and the dust will fly!

How do you get it moving? 

1. Pray big cosmic prayers and small personal prayers. I’m praying for a Jeep for my homeless friend. I’m also praying for some stuff about which I’m only telling the Father. It is deepening my anticipation and engaging my faith. Dust is starting to fly.

2. Go somewhere. Call someone. Offer to pray with a brother or sister in Christ that you haven’t seen for a while. Invite someone to Church. Call the Pantry and offer to help. Show up to National Day of Prayer on May 6th. Go on a prayer walk around your neighborhood. MOVE! Dust will fly.

3. Pray to God for a move of his Spirit now. At Trinity and in your own life. Pray one of my favorite prayers with me from Habakkuk 3.2, “O Lord, I have heard of your fame, and I stand in awe of your deeds. IN OUR TIME MAKE THEM KNOWN. In wrath, remember mercy.”

Before you know it, the monument will be moving, and the dust will be flying!

Here is the recording from the second Trinity Session: 


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