Lunchbox Ephesians Session 3
Lunchbox Ephesians Session 3
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Review: "In Ephesus" and "In Christ"
Eugene Peterson did a "re-mix" of the Bible in contemporary language. I might try a "re-mix" of Eugene Peterson's commentary in a few places :)
The church is the Holy Spirit formed...colony of the country of death.
The church is the Holy Spirit's strategy...human witness...physical presence of the body of Christ in actual locations.
The church practices resurrection in a culture of death. Inspired by Eugene Peterson's, Practicing Resurrection.1.3-14 "In Christ"
Seven "God-detonated" verbs
1. Blessed (v.3)
2. Chose (v.4)
3. Predestined (v.5)
4. Bestowed (v.6)
5. Lavished (v.8)
6. Making known (v.9)
7. Unite (v.10)
1.15-23 "In Heavenly Places"
Cruciform Prayer (1.15-16)
Content of Prayer (1.17-19)
From our resurrected Head (1.20-23)