The Bible as Norma Normans and Viva Vox

Bible: One Source
2 Peter 1.19-21
Link to the podcast to the audio of this message from August 13, 2017

The Bible is the Norma Normans (norm that norms)
2 Peter 1.16-21 is a perfect case-study for how the early Christians viewed and used the scriptures.

Options for how the Bible is used in various churches:
? Scripture+ Tradition + Reason
? Scripture + teaching magisterium of the Church
? Scripture + tradition + reason + experience
? Scripture + revelation from charismatic utterance
? Scripture + my own experience or feelings

Sola Scriptura is not a rejection of the use of Tradition, reason, authoritative teaching of the church, experience, revelation from charismatic gifts, or my feelings. Sola Scriptura is letting all those things, and literally everything else, be normed by the Holy Scriptures.

The Bible is the Viva Vox (living voice)

Viva: Living, as opposed fundamentalism (which often views the Scriptures as a patient in need of resuscitation), higher critical (Which often views the Scriptures as a corpse in need of an autopsy), or the Reformation (Which views the Scriptures as physician which has a perfect view of God and us!)

"And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light." Genesis 1:3
"He utters his voice, the earth melts." Psalm 46.6

Vox: Law & Gospel (not the only categories in the Bible, but the two ways God speaks to us in Scripture).

Rowan Williams, “Christian life is a listening life.” Being Christian

He Speaks: God's word is without error in his diagnosis of us, and is unfailing in communicating his promise to us.

God's Word as Jesus used it: Case Study: Luke 24.13-35


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