"Have you considered grief?"
"Have you considered grieving?"
"Have you considered grieving?"
I said to a lover scorned
by a long-time lover?
It wasn't one of the options
on the coffee house table
Quick anger, blame, condemnation
drugs and an array of other escapes
Climaxing in
Violence to hated self
Violence to hated lover
Were more well worn reactions.
"What do you mean by, 'grieving'"?
"Have we considered grieving?"
When quick anger, blaming, condemning
left, right
guns, lack of guns,
minds, too opened or closed,
foreign terror, or domestic hate
Are our well worn reactions.
"What do you mean by, 'grieving'"?
Blame begets blame begets blame.
Being the first to blame
doesn't grant immunity from being blamed
So we continue entrenched
divided by defensiveness
and offensiveness
You know that pit in your stomach
The one blaming others hasn't assuaged?
You know that feeling that waves are overwhelming you
Rolling over you, and you can't gasp a breath?
What do you say?
What do you do?
Be quiet for a while.
"Kyrie eleison"
Be gracious to me, O LORD,
for I am in distress;
my eye is wasted from grief;
my soul and my body also. - Psalm 31:9