Sabbatical Surprise

This week is turning out different than I planned. I went to see my doctor yesterday morning (it has been too long). I had a list of four things, but one thing was pushing me to get in. If you are a little bit of a hypochondriac (and I am), and you realize it (and I do), I think it keeps you from going to the doctor too much (yea). You don't trust yourself. Thankfully, Joy made me an appointment for yesterday.

I told him about my shortness of breath even in walking to the post office at Weymouth Corners, and he arranged for me to take a treadmill test to see how my heart would respond. It responded like it always has for the last 10 months. Panting, sweating, gasping. But the actual report revealed some more significant problems. I don't know the extent of the problem yet, my angiogram is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at Kaiser Sunset.
I was pretty sure there was something wrong. I was hoping for asthma and an inhaler. I needed to figure it out because I have been excited to hike up to Preikestolen near Stavanger, Norway (where we lived 1999-2000 and where Christian was born). Yesterday I prayed clearly that the Lord would clearly reveal what was going on as to not leave any question. I was surprised when the Cardiologist told me what her hunches were, but mostly relieved. I felt immediately, and still do, that the Lord answered my prayer. He has been more kind to me throughout my whole life than I deserve, but especially so during this sabbatical time. I find myself frequently asking Him, "Are You really this kind?" I have a feeling that I'm only scratching the surface of His kindness.

You all have been kind, too. Such prayer! Prayer chains, individual texting/facebooking/etc, open times of prayer at Trinity. Offers to help with the kids, transport, food, support... Joy and I are overwhelmed by your generosity. The pastors in my life are amazing. Sue and Tob were at the hospital before I left ER with anointing and communion. Paul and Karen supporting and praying in the Spirit over the phone. Poul Erik showing up, and with Des, calling the church to prayer, and the San Pedro Pastors and the AALC pastors. Our Judy Party group immediate in prayer. Charlie Kurtz (who knows his way around a hospital) called. I told Charlie I was trying to draw some attention away from him, since he has hogged so much with his aneurism. Jake showed up and ministered to me. Now I can't eat or drink anything after midnight, but Poul Erik just left me with the promise of God and absolution in my ear (and HEART!), and the Lord's body and blood on my tongue, and unction on my head. God's people are kind, like Him.

And my care? My wife--awesome! My extended family--amazing! I have been cared for by so many docs, nurses, CNA's, transport, and they have been terrific. I was listening to the Compline podcast (from St. Mark's Cathedral in Seattle) as I was drifting to sleep last night, and the phlebotomist, a Coptic Christian, said, those are my Psalms. I was listening to hymns this morning, and my Nurse, a Nigerian Anglican started singing "It is well with my soul" right over me. Her grandpa was an Anglican priest who lived to be 112! I could tell you about many others who are bearing their vocation gloriously!

I am being ministered too, by really good ministers! That's you (and others who will never read this blog)! This is putting "my" ministry into a much healthier context. God's band of ministers is broader, deeper, and more expansive than I realized. Also, it's not "my" ministry, it is His. I'm sure I'll have more later. For now, please be assured of my affection for you, and the Father's deeper affection for you!


Unknown said…
We've been praying for you, and for Joy and the kids, since yesterday, and will keep doing so! Oh, and your doctor's and nurses too. Covering all the bases!

We've been eating much healthier lately, but I've still been avoiding exercise. No more. I went on a two mile walk today and spent the entire time praying. Thanks for being an inspiration to me (and many others) in more ways than one!

Get well soon!
Mike Bradley said…
Dear Nathan, please know that Debi and I are much in prayer for and with you, and with Joy these days. We love you brother. I am going to place your blog post on the ARC Southwest Leadership Facebook page so others can join in prayer with you. Love you brother, Mike
Nathan Hoff said…
Dear Matt-thanks for your prayer support! You are a dear brother. I saw the picture, drawing and wood carving of the IV Camp on Catalina. Well done!
Dear Mike, you are such a great pastor! Praying, listening, counseling, remembering, proclaiming! Thanks for calling the ARC brothers and sisters to prayer!
J and H said…
Nathan, what a surprise to see you hooked up to lines and monitors! You had me fooled, I thought you were young like me, haha.
Could it be the sabbatical pace had not yet reached the stillness God was intending? Praying that the Holy Spirit would usher you into a time of deep peace and ever-greater intimacy and attentiveness to His voice,
- jeremy

PS This spoke to me about the reasons God might have in 'forcing' the slow-down:
able mess said…
Prayers continue from the Anderson household...
Dorothy said…
The Woesner fam is praying for you all and sending so much love. I have to admit I have been feeling so anxious for you all, but reading your blog reminded me that we must cast our worry on Him. And, He is caring for you so well through His people. i know God's got this!
Bob Rognlien said…
Praying for you bro, from Jerusalem! Peace be within your walls...
Jenny said…
Nathan my friend, even when you're attached to machines etc, you're writing and hating your Spirit-filled heart with us. Everybody is kind to you because you're loving and kind to them. God is kind because you're extremely, infinitely, valuable and beloved in His heart. I agree with the others; perhaps your body needs more rest than you realised, and was waiting for this opportunity to grab your attention! Enjoy it, don't struggle to get up and out, just receive. And receive. And receive.
Jenny said…
I DID NOT TYPE 'hating'!!! It was SHARING! Oh my, this iPad inserts its own words and I didn't check and correct before clicking... Oh dear.

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