Trinity Equipping Institute
I couldn't be more excited about an opportunity to grow in grace, and get ready to bless with grace starting in mid-September. Here are some of early communications about Trinity Equipping Institute.
I sent the following letter to around 90 folks. I didn't mean to leave you out, so here it is:
Dear friend of Trinity,
Jesus’ grace. I am writing this letter to 90 individuals. Some of you are single, and some of you are married. You are all young (at least at heart). I see all of you as allies or potential allies in Trinity’s future. I want to be frank with you. Trinity has great assets and great challenges ahead. San Pedro and the greater South Bay has great assets and great challenges ahead.
San Pedro has a redemptive history, and God has a redemptive future for our fair city. I also believe that He is calling us to prepare now for that future. I want to be ready to plant a church, to begin a satellite worship service, to improve the homeless situation, to be allies to the mental illness community, to seek the welfare of our city and our schools and our businesses when God says, “Now!”
Are you supposed to play a part in this calling? Here’s the frank part. Trinity is established. We have had strong leaders from the previous generation. They have been wise and generous. The entire Trinity campus is completely debt free. We don’t owe any mortgage. We don’t pay any credit card interest. We have been fiscally healthy for a long stretch. We have grown slightly in average worship attendance. We have young and old, up-the-hill and down-the-hill and over-the-hill. We rarely fight about preferences. We have a clearly communicated Biblical and theological conviction (Reformation), a shared thirst for the life-giving ministry of the Holy Spirit (Renewal), and an undisputed call to ministry in our community (Missional). We have a staff and Elders that work like a team. Other churches have sent delegations to find out what we are doing and how we are doing it. Many congregations are asking maintenance questions like how they can stay alive for another generation. Trinity is asking mission questions about how we can be a greater blessing in God’s world and in His work in our neighborhood.
I think we can maintain our current health and size and budget and mission for the foreseeable future if the younger generation steps up one-by-one when the older generation retires. Only problem is, I think God is calling us to something different and more intentional and more profound. God’s vision is for His kingdom to come and His will to be done in San Pedro. His dream includes living congregations reaching their neighborhood with the transforming message of Jesus. Here are our obstacles:
1. Consumer Christianity: We are terrific consumers, and we have brought that to church. We ask, “What is in it for me?” Jesus said, “Consider others before yourselves." We say, “Am I being fed?” God gave you a fork and a mouth—so we can use them! Many of you are engaged in growing in your faith and blessing others in a myriad of ways. Good on ya! But many of our generation are looking for others to do what God is calling us to do. You know why we do the pantry ministry, distributing food to over 150 people a week? Ed Kise said we should, and didn’t wait for anyone else to do what he knew God was calling us to do. Sure, he got council approval, but who could say “no”? How about you? What BHAG (BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS GOAL) has God called you to do in Jesus’ name? Let us know, maybe some of us would resonate with it!
2. Commitment Phobia: One day someone was leaving the sanctuary and asked, “Do you think ignorance or apathy is a greater problem in the church?” I responded, “What do you think?” He said, “I don’t know and I don’t care.” We love low levels of commitment. We are ok with having 542 Facebook friends because they require zippo commitment. If they bug us: BLOCKED. We repost an inspirational verse or video or viewpoint. But we are afraid of real commitment. Fracturing families, and institutional distrust or betrayal have made us commitment phobic. Some of you are sooooo Trinity already, but you linger on the fringe. It is safer. You don’t want another life-sucking commitment. You are already busy. If worship once-a-month suits you, great. If something better comes along, fine.
Here is where the challenge comes in. Is God calling you out of passivity? Is He calling you away from consumer Christianity? Is He is calling you to not react to community, but to help create it? Is He calling you to something deeper than a repost, but to take your post where human hurt and need meets God’s provision through His body the church?
I write strongly, because the mission God has called Trinity too will not be accomplished with consumers or commitment phobic folks.
Would you pray? God, have you called me to the Trinity community? Lord, do you want me to grow in my relationship with you? How have you called me to bless the world by joining you in your work in your world? If you are on the fence in regards to your relationship with Jesus, would you make that first priority? If you are on the fence about engaging in lively membership with Trinity, would you seek to commit?
I am planning to start a course (19 courses over 6 months) that will help identify or develop your theological or spiritual center, will invite you to pursue relational wholeness, and will ready you in becoming a missional person in the communities you live. My dream is for 42 of you to join this course. I see you 42 being grounded in the Word, relationally whole or moving toward wholeness, and equipped for ministry in today’s (and tomorrow's) church.
If you say, "I'm not even sure I'm a Christian." Or "I am not even a member of Trinity." Or, "I have so much to figure out before I join a course like that." I would encourage you to talk to me (you are probably more ready than you think). You might also consider joining our Sunday night Alpha Course starting September 20th. Visit the website for more information or to register for Alpha.
PRAY! Love in Jesus! Nathan
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