Pastor's Report 2013
Video Report and Slideshow from July 2012-June 2013
Grace to you and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ,
This past year was marked by a significant prophetic word based on Ezekiel 37 given by Linda Morken when she paid us a visit in the early fall. Ezekiel 37 is the famous account of the valley of dry bones. The prophet is told to speak the word of God to the bone, and the result is bones, sinews, muscles, and flesh coming together. What a miracle! Only thing missing is the breathe. So the prophet is told to speak the word, "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live (Ez. 37.9)." Then the breath (Ruach-Spirit) came, and made that congregation "an exceedingly great army."
Linda wondered if Trinity was right there in between verse 8 and verse 9. I agree with this word, and it resonated with the elders as well. God has done a good work in bringing us together, bringing integration to this congregation. Now we are to keep doing what we are doing. We have been speaking the living word, now we are to keep on speaking the living word, and watch God send His Breath to bring us life!
Here are my top 11 appreciations of Trinity:
1. I appreciate Trinity's present. I love the assembly of the saints today! God has provided every needed person to fulfill today's calling.
2. I appreciate Trinity's past. I love thinking about the myriad of decisions made by prayerful trust in our heavenly Father over the course of 91 years. I love that this is a people who have been renewed by the Holy Spirit, and have had a strong stance on the Word from the beginning. I am in awe of those who have had their turn in the office I now hold.
3. I appreciate that Trinity includes Ronnie, and each and everyone of you!
4. I appreciate that Trinity is a Lutheran church with a ton of people who would never choose to come to Trinity because of that fact. Instead they are here because of the real presence of Jesus, and the life-giving community, and because they want to grow and bless with grace!
5. I appreciate you, Trinity for loving my kids, and letting them be kids. I love that you agree with me that I married up.
6. I appreciate that Trinity folks are wonderful to preach to. I have never felt like I was under the unforgiving light of critical judges (American Idol--preacher edition), but that most people come longing to hear from God. You also have been generous to me when I have been "out of season".
7. I appreciate that Trinity has been generous to provide for my family's financial needs.
8. I appreciate that Trinity has not said, "You're crazy" when I talk about church planting. By the way...
9. I appreciate Trinity's other staff members: 100% servants. Each of them is multiplying.
10. I appreciate when old people raise their hands in worship, even when Redeemed on 6th and Broadway or Revolution (JH youth band) is leading our song.
11. I appreciate when the young try to out sing the roaring organ.
Let Dietrich Bonhoeffer have a word:
If we do not give thanks daily for the Christian fellowship in which we have been placed, even where there is no great experience, no discoverable riches, but much weakness, small faith, and difficulty; if on the contrary, we only keep complaining to God that everything is so paltry and petty, so far from what we expected, then we hinder God from letting our fellowship grow according to the measure and riches which are there for us all in Jesus Christ.
This applies in a special way to the complaints often heard from pastors and zealous members about their congregations. A pastor should never complain about his congregation, certainly never to other people, but also not to God. A congregation has not been entrusted to him in order that he should become its accuser before God and men.
. . . let [the pastor or zealous member] nevertheless guard against ever becoming an accuser of the congregation before God. Let him rather accuse himself for his unbelief. Let him pray God for an understanding of his own failure and his particular sin, and pray that he may not wrong his brethren. Let him, in the consciousness of his own guilt, make intercession for his brethren. Let him do what he is committed to do, and thank God.
Life Together, trans. John W. Doberstein, (New York: HarperOne, 1954), 29, paragraphing mine.
Pastoral Acts (July 2012-June 2013)
Holy Baptism
12 Sept 2012
Angelina Romero, Adrian Lopez, Manuel Ortiz (John Martinez' pool and relatives)
22 Sept 2012
Leah Nelson
30 Sept 2012
Caleb Vickers, Joe Kurzawa (Wallmark family)
16 Dec 2012
Emma Holland
13 Jan 2013
Antoinette Amen, Annabella Ruiterman
27 Jan 2013
Isabella Menzel, Samantha Menzel
31 Mar 2013
Melissa Robinson, Keira Kainz
First Holy Communion
28 March 2013
Camryn Brennan, Greg Clark, Samuel Hoff, Rebekah Nelson, Nina Norgaard, Adam Posod, Dylan Posod, Annabella Ruiterman, Savannah Standage
28 October 2012
Donald Davis III, Amada Harris, Christian Hoff, Matthew Kise, Victoria Najera
Holy Matrimony
8 June 2013
Jessica Tyrell & Joe Iturzaeta
4 July 2012 Jennette Comstock
25 Sept 2012 Edwin "Grumpy" Armstrong Conroy (Bob O'Conner's uncle)
15 Oct 2012 Sylvia Brady (Duffy Nelson's Sister)
4 Nov 2012 Armi Kuha (Finnish Lutheran, pres Pr Norgaard)
26 Nov 2012 Barry Pearce (Nancy Pearce's Father)
18 Dec 2012 Kay "Tillie" Sunila (Finnish Lutheran, pres Pr Norgaard)
5 Mar 2013 Lawrence Saucke
23 March 2013 Jimmy Schmidt
Top 10 "What I'd Like to See"'s for this upcoming year:
10. Everyone (yeah, YOU!) knows how they plan to grow in grace and bless with grace.
9. Spiritual gifts in practice--empty grandstands!
8. Empowered Prayer Times
7. 5 New Council Teams with clear mission and clear goals
6. Growing and Blessing Fair on Rally Day in September
5. Finish preaching through the book of Matthew
4. More "Meeting Jesus" language. ex. "Here is how I met Jesus" or "Have you met Jesus?"
3. More baptisms next year (20?)
2. More church plant talk (prayer!) next year?
Thou shalt have more fun!
I love you, Trinity! But, that is only a shadow of God's love for you. May this church pulsate with the heartbeat of the Father as we demonstrate love for each other, and as we bless it all around town!
Before I made a commitment to you, Trinity, I made a vow to a woman named Joy. That vow is more primary, more foundational, than my commitments to you. She is a dear wife, a terrific mother, and a committed partner in ministry. More often than I wish to admit, she gets left overs from me. Left over time and energy and attitude. Yet, she does amazing things with my left overs. She makes a warm and loving home. We are thankful to watch our kids grow up here at Trinity. We are grateful to watch them in Worship and God Rock's and Catechism and Wordtime and Youth Group and Ushering and First Communion and Confirmation this year. Thanks for being a vital congregation where our kids our finding their place in the body of Christ.
This year has been lively and stretching. There are some areas of my schedule that will need addressing in the coming year if we desire sustainability. I love being a part of the youth ministry team and worship/music teams, but something will have to give. Now, Elder development and visitation have paid the price (probably some of my well-being too). Yet, God is faithful, He will provide, and we must look to Him.
Jesus' peace remain with you! Nathan Hoff, pastor