Stop seeking life in dead places

Why do you seek the living among the dead?

That early morning is the turning point of history. Oh, there had been early indications of this new age like Lazarus resurrection and the 12 year old girl's, more healings than you could write about, plus deliverances and abundant absolutions. This is new. Lazarus isn't still walking around. Eventually he had a second funeral-and what a eulogy must have been shared there. Same with the 12 year old and all those healed.

Jesus' resurrection isn't postponing death, but its defeat-its undoing. Like a terrible bound up knot has been completely untied. Life used to die-now death dies. The old serpent reaps what he sowed. Paul says, "But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep." And he is the "firstborn" or the prototype of the future. Jesus rose never to die again-and we will too! Lazarus too-Jimmy too-Larry too. But now, Eternal Life begins now! For, we were baptized into his death and resurrection that we might walk in newness of life.

Time to stop seeking life in dead places.


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