7 Words

The words are important because the Word is important. The words are the thing that actually make a difference. Jesus was not the only one crucified that afternoon. It wasn't the sight of a crucified man that inspired the centurion to say, "truly this man was the Son of God." If it was just a nostalgic sentiment of someone inspired by a life-like (or death-like) crucifix, it could have been applied to any crucified person. Jesus was unique because of what he said.

If you were to disempower someone, you would pin them to a tree. Can't move your arms, hands, legs. Yet, the most powerful part of Jesus body was not immobilized. His mouth still worked. And the centurion's ears worked. And blessed was this trained killer in the hearing of God's word. And blessed was criminal #2 in the hearing of God's word. And blessed was Mary and John in the hearing of God's word. And blessed were we tonight in the hearing of God's word.

So extinguish candles and adore the cross, pound that nail and slam that book, but if you are just just looking for a sentimental feeling don't dare listen to the words. They change everything!


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