All 18 Suprises & 9 Reliefs
18 Suprises from Transformational Church survey
□ A little over 20% of our people don’t feel like they “actively participate during the worship service”
□ 44% of our members aren’t that excited to bring friends with them to our worship services
□ 99% mod/strongly agree “I know what it means to worship God outside of the church building” □ Small groups are very important to our members, but not always well publicized
□ Biggest discrepancy btwn me & rest of church: Most agree that 20%people do 80%work; I totally disagree.
□ Less people feel like our church helps people understand their spiritual gifts than I thought
□ 27% believe it is difficult to find a place of ministry at Trinity
□ 10% disagree, “I have several very close friends in our church”
□ Offering limited programming at church so people have time to serve beyond church: I agree, most disagree
□ 78% agree “our members are comfortable sharing their faith with unbelievers” Wow!
□ Pretty equal spread on “urgency in sharing faith with non-Christians.” Some yes, some no
□ Great majority trust the leadership of the church, some don’t. Both are important!
□ There are some faithful/mature people who disagree with the leadership, yet they stay.
□ 27% don’t know the vision of our church—I don’t think its their fault
□ 32% don’t think we have a system in place to raise up future leaders.
□ A clear discipleship process (immaturity to maturity) is not so clear at Trinity, not is it well communicated
□ Trinity is really good at a warm welcome and really bad at following up on first time guests.
□ Most agree that it takes a while for people to get involved in the life of our church.
9 Reliefs from #TransformationalChurch survey
□ The worship services at our church are centered on the gospel of Christ 85% strongly agree!
□ 98% moderately or strongly agree that a first time visitor would know we value the Bible highly!
□ 94% moderately or strongly agree that they encounter God at our church worship services!
□ Our leaders remind most people of Jesus. Some people are not reminded of Jesus by our leaders
□ 99% mod/strongly agree that “Prayer is an important value in our church.”
□ The greatest alignment between me & the congregation was in the prayer section.
□ 93% strongly agree, “God receives the credit for the great things that happen in our church.” Tears of Joy!
□ Spontaneous prayer is normal in our church (worship/small group) 94% agree
□ 98% mod/strongly agree, “Our church has observed God answer prayer.” Come Holy Spirit!
Questions from #TransformationalChurch survey
How can 94% encounter God in worship, and 44% not be that excited to bring friends with them?
Info on #TransformationChurch
Measures areas in a congregation including: worship, community (fellowship), mission, leadership, prayer, relational intentionality, missional mindset.
□ A little over 20% of our people don’t feel like they “actively participate during the worship service”
□ 44% of our members aren’t that excited to bring friends with them to our worship services
□ 99% mod/strongly agree “I know what it means to worship God outside of the church building” □ Small groups are very important to our members, but not always well publicized
□ Biggest discrepancy btwn me & rest of church: Most agree that 20%people do 80%work; I totally disagree.
□ Less people feel like our church helps people understand their spiritual gifts than I thought
□ 27% believe it is difficult to find a place of ministry at Trinity
□ 10% disagree, “I have several very close friends in our church”
□ Offering limited programming at church so people have time to serve beyond church: I agree, most disagree
□ 78% agree “our members are comfortable sharing their faith with unbelievers” Wow!
□ Pretty equal spread on “urgency in sharing faith with non-Christians.” Some yes, some no
□ Great majority trust the leadership of the church, some don’t. Both are important!
□ There are some faithful/mature people who disagree with the leadership, yet they stay.
□ 27% don’t know the vision of our church—I don’t think its their fault
□ 32% don’t think we have a system in place to raise up future leaders.
□ A clear discipleship process (immaturity to maturity) is not so clear at Trinity, not is it well communicated
□ Trinity is really good at a warm welcome and really bad at following up on first time guests.
□ Most agree that it takes a while for people to get involved in the life of our church.
9 Reliefs from #TransformationalChurch survey
□ The worship services at our church are centered on the gospel of Christ 85% strongly agree!
□ 98% moderately or strongly agree that a first time visitor would know we value the Bible highly!
□ 94% moderately or strongly agree that they encounter God at our church worship services!
□ Our leaders remind most people of Jesus. Some people are not reminded of Jesus by our leaders
□ 99% mod/strongly agree that “Prayer is an important value in our church.”
□ The greatest alignment between me & the congregation was in the prayer section.
□ 93% strongly agree, “God receives the credit for the great things that happen in our church.” Tears of Joy!
□ Spontaneous prayer is normal in our church (worship/small group) 94% agree
□ 98% mod/strongly agree, “Our church has observed God answer prayer.” Come Holy Spirit!
Questions from #TransformationalChurch survey
How can 94% encounter God in worship, and 44% not be that excited to bring friends with them?
Info on #TransformationChurch
Measures areas in a congregation including: worship, community (fellowship), mission, leadership, prayer, relational intentionality, missional mindset.