Devotional Resourse Extraordinaire!

You may be interested in what I am using for my personal devotional life. In our weekly worship bulletin we make available a series of Bible readings throughout the week. That list can be found on pages 299-304 in our hymnal. A resource has been produced that includes all of those readings printed out, along with orders for daily prayer (for use as individuals or families or small groups), the small catechism, the whole Psalter, and numerous other prayer resources. This is all under one cover and is available this month for half price at the following website:

I use the morning prayer service which includes a "wake up call" verse to begin, Psalm 95, the Psalm for the day, and Old Testament Reading and and New Testament Reading (using this resource for the whole year gets you through almost the whole NT, and 1/3 of the OT). An additional reading from a trusted Christian source is also included. Then there is the morning canticle (the Benedictus - Zechariah's song from Luke 1). Then a time for prayer and petition, and a closing benediction. Just this morning the Lord had a clear communication for me from His word and through the prayer time.

A few evenings a week I use the Compline service (Night Prayer) which is a service of made up of various Bible verses that allow me to sleep in peace, pray for my family and home, and for those who work through the night, and for my fellow believers.

If you are looking for some structure for your daily prayer, this resource may help. It has helped me.

Let me know if you get this resource so we can support one another. Also, If you have another helpful discipline, comment below. Encourage us!
Also, the text included is the English Standard Version.


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