Why the catechism?
It is our desire to encourage you to use a catechism as a tool to build and strengthen faith in your children. Simply put, a catechism is "a manual used to teach biblical truth in an orderly way." Catechisms are not the only means that can or should be used to instruct the next generation, but they are helpful for certain purposes. Listed here are ten specific benefits a catechism can uniquely offer. Hopefully, these ten points will help you understand how a catechism can be effectively used in your family.
1. Catechisms present the gospel message.
2. The question-answer format of catechisms engage little children.
3. Catechisms foster a God-centered curiosity in children.
4. Catechisms serve as a basic outline of biblical truth.
5. Catechisms preserve and purify accurate knowledge of biblical truths.
6. Catechisms form a good foundation for deeper understanding later in life.
7. Catechisms teach children to pray biblically-grounded prayers.
8. Catechisms encourage independent Bible use in children.
9. Catechisms encourage the beginning stages of biblical interpretation.
Keven Feder, 2005 Bethlehem Baptist Church--Minneapolis, Minnesota